The Cave City Cruise In will be here in less than a month and we've been working hard to make this a Cruise In you never wanna cruise out of!
The night before Cave City Cars and Coffee, Broadway shuts down from 5-10 for a Cruise In, Car Show and Live Music. We have California Musicians Casey and Romy and Alabama's Rockabilly band Martini Shakers taking the stage to bring you music for this entire event. Cave City Pizza and C&D Concessions is serving up food. Our downtown shops are staying open late to keep things hoppin.
WE ALSO HAVE AWARDS.. Custom made by Rustic Revival with guest judges the categories are:
Best in Show
Best Classic Car
Best Classic Truck
Best Modern Car
Best Modern Truck
Most Unique
Most Miles
Farthest traveled (since it's a 2 day event you have no reason not to drive in for this one)
Free to attend! Registration required to enter the awards category. $10 entry fee. Custom awards, Cash Prizes, and Gift Certificates to the winners.
5-10PM (central time)
Downtown Cave City